Deirdre’s Diary
The Fantastic Phenomenon of Live Tweet Responses to Lucia Joyce at Trieste Joyce School 2018
Gathering my thoughts, and processing the experience that was the Trieste Joyce School 2018, which I participated in over the final week of June in the beautiful, kaleidescopic city of James Joyce's exile, and Lucia Joyce's birth, the first thing I want to do is to...
Speaking about Lucia Joyce, Dancer, on BBC Front Row
In anticipation of Bloomsday and the Trieste Joyce School, where I am presenting a lecture entitled "Lucia Joyce, Dancer: Method in her 'Madness'?", I was delighted to speak about this extraordinary and important, but alas overlooked Irish Modern Dancer on BBC Front...
My Visiting Researcher Report, UL’s Centre for Irish-German Studies
To sum up my residency at UL's Centre for Irish-German Studies as Visiting Researcher this term, I contributed the following report to the Centre's May 2018 newsletter, thanks to all who made this possible, especially to UL's Dr. Gisela Holfter: Packed room at...
“Introducing Erin O’Brady” at University of Limerick
There will be a free public screening of my TG4 Splanc film Dance Emergency, followed by a public talk “Introducing Erin O’Brady”, in Room B1005 in UL’s Main Building on Thursday April 19th at 3pm. My talk afterwards should be about half an hour with plenty of...
Sat Nam: True North. Belgrade-Irish Festival Screening on March 14th.
Sat Nam: True North Sat Nam is Sanskrit for “True Name”. My Dad was allergic to the notion of being recorded or interviewed talking about his life up in North Ontario, where, along with my Mum, he ran the local schools in an important time capsule of transition...
HNY: End of year round-up & glance ahead to 2018…
Happy New Year! As 2018 dawns, complete with its day one Wolf Super Moon to kick us into its oncoming action, I am just going to take a moment to recap on the year that was. First of all, it was an extremely tough year for me and my family with the loss of my dear...
Marking WBY’s 100th wedding anniversary, “Georgie’s Vision” features at International Yeats Society Conference 2017, in NYC
I recently made an audio-visual version of my BAI-funded radio documentary "Georgie's Vision", (first broadcast on RTE Lyric FM, September 30th, 2016), which premiered last weekend at the 2017 International Yeats Society Conference in NYC, to mark the centenary...
Culture Night: Dance Emergency in the Military Archive at Cathal Brugha Barracks
I was delighted that after giving a talk entitled "Unearthing Herstory at Cathal Brugha Barracks" on International Women's Day (March 8th) artist in residence Margaret Fitzgibbon invited me back to show my documentary "Dance Emergency", about Irish-German Modern Dance...
My IMMA Summer Party Talk; The “True North” Canada Day Screening
Celebrate Canada 150 on Canada Day with the premiere of “TRUE NORTH” at The Dark Room 🙂
Thanks to 30 fabulous supporters of our crowd-funding campaign on, we are 173% funded, and can go ahead to celebrate Canada 150 with: TRUE NORTH @ THE DARK ROOM, CANADA DAY, July 1st 2017 Celebrating 150 years of Canada this Canada Day, July 1st, 2017,...