by build_1h7qoh | Oct 4, 2016 | Culture, Documentaries, Writing
“Georgie’s Vision”, the documentary I have been toiling on all summer – since the end of April – getting the creme de la creme of the George Yeats world on board, was broadcast on RTE Lyric FM on Friday September 30th at 7pm. Hooray! ...
by build_1h7qoh | Jan 28, 2016 | Culture, Dance, Documentaries, Projects
I’m delighted to hear the good news that BAI Sound and Vision Fund have awarded me the funds to make a feature radio documentary on the fascinating topic of George Yeats, aka Mrs. WB Yeats. She famously wrote “thank you for leaving me out”, but I...
by build_1h7qoh | Feb 2, 2015 | Projects
Happy February! Can’t you feel the old stretch in the evenings already? It may not be getting any warmer, but the evenings are definitely extending, and I think nightfall is staying off until about 5.40pm now – and sliding forward, slowly but surely. In...